B.Sc.Ag. (Hons) Part-IV
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Objectives of Plant breeding. https://cststudy.blogspot.com |
Plant breeding aims to improve the characteristic of plants
so that they become more desirable agronomically and economically. The specific
objectives would vary greatly depending on the crop under consideration. Some
of the main objectives of plant breeding may be summarized as follows.
Higher Yields.
Most of the breeding programmes aim at higher crop yields. This is achieved by
developing more efficient genotypes, e.g., hybrid varieties of maize (Z. mays),
sorghum (S. bicolor), bajra (P. americanum), etc.
Improved Quality.
The quality of plant produce determines its suitability for various uses.
Therefore, quality is an important aspect for plant breeders. The quality
characters vary from one crop to another, e.g., grain size, colour, milling and
baking quality in wheat (Triticum aestivum) ; cooking quality in rice (Oryza
saliva) ; malting in barley (I lordeum vulgare) ; size, colour and flavor of
fruits ; keeping quality of vegetables ; protein content in cereals and legumes
; lysine content in cereals; methionine and tryptophan contents in pulses etc.
Disease and Insect
Resistance. Resistant varieties offer the cheapest and the most convenient
method of disease and insect control. In some cases, they offer the only
feasible means of control, e.g., rusts in wheat. Resistant varieties not only
increase production but also stabilise it.
Change in Maturity
Duration. It permits new crop rotations and often extends the crop area.
Development of wheat varieties suitable for late planting has permitted
rice-wheat rotation. Thus breeding for early maturing crop varieties, or
varieties suitable for different dates of planting may be an important
Characteristics. Modification of agronomic characteristics, such as plant
height, tillering, branching, erect or trailing habit etc., is often desirable.
For example, dwarfness in cereals is generally associated with lodging resistance
and fertilizer responsiveness.
Development of photoinsensitive and temperature insensitive wheat and
photoinsensitive rice (0. sativa) varieties has permitted their cultivation in
new areas. Rice is now cultivated in Punjab, while wheat is a major rabi crop
in West Bengal.
Synchronous Maturity.
It is highly desirable in crops like mung (Vigna radiata), where several
pickings are necessary.
Characteristics. It would be of great value in a crop like mung.
Determinate Growth.
Development of varieties with determinate growth is desirable in crops like
mung, pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), cotton (Gossypium), etc.
Dormancy. In some
crops, seeds germinate even before harvesting if there are rains at the time of
maturity, e.g., mung, barley, etc. A period of dormancy in such cases would
check the loss due to germination. In some other cases, however, it may be
desirable to remove dormancy.
Varieties for New
Seasons. Traditionally maize is a kharif crop. But scientists are now able
to grow maize as rabi and zaid crops. Similarly, mung is grown as a summer crop
in addition to the main kharif crop.
Moisture Stress and Salt Tolerance.
Development of varieties for rainfed areas and for saline soils would be
helpful in increasing crop production in India. The major proportion (Ca. 70%)
of the cropped area in the counts), is rainfed. The estimates of salt-affected
(saline) soils in the country vary from 7 to 20 million hectares, of which
about 2.8 million hectares are alkaline soils. Most of these areas are spread
in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab.
Elimination of Toxic
Substances. Some crops have toxic substances which must be eliminated to
make them safe for consumption. For example, khesari (Lathyrus sativus) seeds
have a neurotoxin, 13-N-oxalylamine alanine (BOAA) that causes paralysis.
Similarly, Brassica oil has erucic acid which is harmful to human health.
Removal of such toxic substances would increase the nutritional value of these
Winter Hardiness
would be desirable in certain situations.
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How does it help on dormancy