B.Sc.Ag. (Hons) Part-IV
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Definition, Benefits, Disadvantage of IPM. https://cststudy.blogspot.com/ |
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Definition of IPM
Pest management is a system of plant protection which utilize all suitable techniques to reduce and maintain pest population at levels those causing injury of economic significance to agriculture and forestry.
A system which brings together all feasible method of pest control, harmonizing them into a single unified and coordinate system designed to maintain pest at levels below those at which they cause economic loss.
Pest management is the intelligent selection and use of pest control action that will ensure favourable economic, ecological and sociological consequence. The practices of pest management has been described by Geir (1966) as;
a. Determining how life system of a pest needs to be modified to reduce its number to tolerable levels that is below the economic threshold.
b. Applying biological knowledge and recent technology to achieve the desired modification that is applied ecology.
c. Revising procedures for pest control selected to current technology and compatible with economic, environmental and social acceptance.
Benefits of IPM
1. IPM increases crop yield and farmers income.
2. The use of insecticides may be reduced up to 80% of total use of crop yield may be increased upto 10% through IPM.
3. IPM conserves ecosystem and ensures reliability and stability of farm output.
4. IPM reduces the risk of farmers and the public.
5. It helps farmer to become self reliant.
6. It helps to reduce the national expenditure for pesticides.
7. IPM reduces health care cost.
8. It increases the savings of farmer.
9. IPM directly helps to increasing farmers income.
Disadvantage of IPM
However, IPM does have some disadvantages. These include:
1. More involved planning.
2. More family decisionmaking.
3. More demanding lawn and garden care.
4. More resources needed as substitutions for pesticides.
5. Requires a greater amount of outside knowledge.
6. Time and energy consuming.
7. More involvement in the technicalities of the method
Some problem associated with the use of pesticides
1. Pesticides causes the health hazards.
2. Pesticides are extremely unfriendly to the environment.
3. Pesticides destroy the beneficial organism and increased the pest population.
4. Reported application of pesticides makes the pest resistance to insecticides.
5. Pesticides affect the soil fertility.
6. It may create new pest problem.
7. It increases the input cost.
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