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Question bank of Entomology (CST-205).https://cststudy.blogspot.com/
Question Bank of Entomology (205)
Define entomology. (10)
Write down the important characters and examples of class;
(i) Arachnida. (10, 13, 14)
(ii) Crustacca. (10, 11, 15)
(iii) Chilopoda. (10, 13, 15)
(iv) Hexapoda. (10, 13)
(v) Trilobita. (11, 13, 14)
(vi) Diplopoda. (11)
(vii) Insecta. (14, 15)
Write down the characters of the following orders mentioning their economic
importance and example;
(i) Collembola. (10)
(ii) Orthoptera. (10, 13, 15, example and
(iii) Odonata. (10, 13)
(iv) Hemiptera. (10, 12, 13)
(v) Lepidoptera. (10, 13, 15, only
diagnostic character-11)
(vi) Coleoptera. (13, 14, only diagnostic
(vii) Diptera. (only diagnostic
(viii) Hymenoptera. (14, example and
importance -11)
(ix) Thysanura. (14, example and
(x) Dictyoptera. (12, 15)
(xi) Dermaptera. (importance-12)
(xii) Isoptera. (14)
Write down the important character of phylum Arthopoda. (11, with examples-13, 14)
Mention the classification of Arthopoda. (11, 14)
Differentiate between insect and spider. (11, 13)
Mention six important character of an insect. (12)
Differentiate between insect and mite. (12, 15)
(i) Write note on crustacea and diplopoda. (12)
Differentiate between butterfly and moth. (12, 15)
Differentiate between Apteryogota and pterygota. (13, 14)
Insect Morphology:
Describe in brief with label diagram the external anatomy of Grasshopper. (10,
14, 15)
Define insect integument. (10, 11, 13, 14)
Draw and label of integument of Grasshopper. (10)
Describe the structure and functions of insect integument with labeled diagram.(11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
(d) Define insect antenna. (10, 11, 13, 15)
Write down the parts and functions of insect antenna. (10, 11, 15)
Write down with labeled diagram the following types of antennae with examples;
(i) Filiform, Pectinate, Lamellate,
Capitate, Pilose, Stylate, Serrate, Genniculate and Flabellate. (10)
Filiform, Pectinate, Lamellate, Capitate, Serrate, Aristate, Clavate and
Geniculate. (14)
Describe different types of insect antennae with labeled diagram mentioning
examples. (11, 13)
Mention the parts of insect legs. (14, 15)
Define insect legs. (10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
Discuss the different types of insect legs with figures. (10, with example-11,
12, 15)
Define insect morphology. (10)
Discuss the insect mouth parts;
(i) Piercing-sucking type (10, 12)
(ii) Sponging type (10, 12)
(iii) Chewing-lapping type. (10)
Write down the special features and functions of grassing, digging and swimming
type legs with labelled diagram. (13)
Write down the special features and functions of walking, digging and swimming
type legs with example and labelled diagram. (14)
Write the different part of insect mouthparts. (11, 14)
Describe the mouthparts with feeding mechanism. (Sponging & Siphoning type-11,
sponging, Chewing & Chewing lapping-14, Piercing-sucking, Sponging-15)
Write the modification of insect wing with example. (11)
Draw and label the typical venation/ modification of an insect wing. (12, 14)
Moulting and Metamorphosis:
(a) What is metamorphosis? (11, 13, 15)
(b) Write
different types of metamorphosis in insect. (11, 13, with examples-15)
Define moulting. (12, 13)
Write down the necessity of moulting in insect. (12)
Differentiate Holometabola & Hemimetabola with example. (12)
Name different types larvae found in insect with examples. (12, major types-13,
Write down the mechanism of moulting of insect with labelled diagram. (13, 15)
(h) How do you differentiate pupa obtecta from pupa exapate? (13)
Internal Anatomy and Physiology:
Write down the functions of insect blood. (10, 14)
Define digestion. (12, 14)
Draw and describe the digestive system of grasshopper. (12, 13, 14, 15)
Point out the functions of haemolymph. (12)
Mention the function of salivary gland. (12)
Write down the functions of malpighian tubules. (12, 15)
Name some excretory products. (12)
Define excretion system of insect. (13, 15)
Give the list excreteta. (13, 14)
What is assimilation? (13, 15)
What is excretion? (14)
Describe briefly any three excretory organs. (14)
Describe the blood circulation system of insect. (14, mechanism-15)
Enumerate/write the excretory organ and excreta of insect. (15)
Respiratory System:
Define respiratory system. (11, 13, 15)
Write in brief the aquatic respiration in insects. (11, 13, 15)
How do endoparasites perform their respiration? (12)
(6) Nervous
Define nervous system of insect. (10)
Describe the central nervous system of Grasshopper. (10, 11, 13, 15)
Define neuron (13, 15) and name different types of nervous system. (12)
Write various types of neuron. (14, 15)
Short Notes:
Phylum Arthopoda. (15, 12, 10)
Order Diptera. (15)
Order Coleoptera. (10)
Functions of haemolymph. (15)
Class crustacea. (14)
Trilobita. (12)
Isoptera. (12)
Ootheca. (13)
Hemiptera. (11)
Modification of wings. (15, 10)
Five types of insect antenna. (15)
Piercing-sucking type mouthparts. (14, 11)
Metamorphosis. (14)
Insect metamorphosis. (10)
Terrestrial respiration. (14)
Central nervous system. (14)
Library pest. (13)
Tympanal organ. (13)
White ant. (13)
Pest and benefactors. (13)
Modification of insect leg. (12)
Moniliform and capitate antennae. (12)
Predaceous insect. (12)
Mechanism of blood circulation. (11)
Types of neuron. (11)
Malpighiantubules. (11)
Salivary glands. (10)
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