Difference between Olericulture and Floriculture

Difference between Olericulture and Floriculture.https://cststudy.blogspot.com

Difference between Olericulture and Floriculture

1. It’s comes from two Latin word “Oleris” means pot herb and “cultura” means cultivation.
1. It’s comes from two Latin word “floros” means flower and “cultura” means cultivation.
2. It’s related to cultivation of vegetable.
2. It’s related to cultivation of flower.
3. The production of olericulture are grown for edible purpose.
3. The production of floriculture are grown for ornamental purpose.
4. It’s required relatively less care than floriculture.
4. It’s required relatively high care than olericulture.
5.Cauliflower, cabbage, brinjal, potato etc. are the example
5. Rose, china rose, dahlia, marigold etc. are the example.

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