Differences between Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius

Differences between Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius. https://cststudy.blogspot.com/

Differences between Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius

Corchorus capsularis     
Corchorus olitorius
1. Plant height
Shorter than C olitorius plant
Taller  than Corchorus capsularis
2. Leaf color
Leaves are dark green  
Leaves are light green
3. Test of leaf
Leaf is bitter in taste      
Sweet/bitter less in taste
4. Seed color
Seeds are dark color      
Seeds are bluish green in color
5. Fiber color
Fiber is white in color                                         
Fiber is golden in color
6. Fruit size
Fruits are round                                
Fruits are elongated
7. Culture area
Both upland and lowland culture
Mostly upland culture
