Pest characters, Nature of Damage and Control Measure of Rice Bug and Rice Hispa

B.Sc.Ag. (Hons) Part-IV    

Rice Bug.

Rice Bug 

Scientific name: Leptocorisa acuta. 

Family: Coreidae. 

Order: Hemiptera.

Pest characters 

1.      Medium sized insect. 

2.      Scutellum present. 

3.      Scent gland present. 

4.      Both nymph and adult are harmful. 

Nature of Damage

1.  Female insect lays egg on the upper surface on the leaves in rows. 

2.  After 5­8 days, the eggs are hatched and the nymphs are comes out. 

3.  Both nymphs and adult's suck the milk or juice from the developing grain in the milky stage of the plant. The attacked grains becomes shriveled or malformed and grain remains unfilled. As a result, yield reduction occurs severely. 

4.  Fungal infection also occurs in the infested grain. Grain becomes black and bad odour come out which cause a reduction of market value of rice grain. 

Control Measure 

A) Non­chemical 

1.      Collection and destruction of nymphs and adults by hand net. 

2.      Using light trap. 

3.      Destruction of alternate host. 

4.      Using predators­ Tiger beetle. 

5.      Rope soaked with kerosene water can drag across the rice field. 

B) Chemical 

1.      Application of Malathion/ Maladan 57 EC @ 1 L/ha.

2.      Application of Dursban 20 EC @ 1 L/ha. 

3.      Application of Sevin 85 WP @ 1.7 kg/ha. 

4.      Application of Marshal 20 EC @ 1.2 L/ha.

Rice Hispa.

Rice Hispa 

Scientific name: Dicladispa armigera. 

Family: Cecidomyiidae.  

Order: Coleoptera.

Pest characters 

1.      Medium sized insect. 

2.      Elytra with spine, blackish colour. 

3.      Mouth parts → Chewing type. 

4.      Both grub and adult are harmful. 

Nature of Damage

1.  The female insects lays eggs in single at the ventral side of the leaf tip. 

2.  After 5­8 days the eggs are hatched and the grub are came out. 

3.  The grub mines the leaf and feed on tissues in between two epidermal layers and make tunnel. The infected leaf become whitish, membranous and finally die. The adult, scrap the chlorophyllus tissues of the leaf and make white streak along the vein. In severe condition the infested leaf becomes papery white and photosynthesis and yield reduction occur severely.  

Control Measure

A) Non­chemical  

1.      Collection and destruction of adult by using hand net. 

2.      Using resistant variety. e.g. BR 14, 28, 29 etc. 

3.      Destruction of alternate host. 

4.      Both adult and grub infestation can be reduced by leaf clipping, 6­8 cm below from the tip. 

5.      Destruction of crop residues.

6.      Rope soaked with kerosene water drag across the rice field. 

B) Chemical   

        i.            Using Basudin 10G/ Furadan 3G @ 16 kg/ha. 

      ii.            Spraying with Cypermethrin 10 EC or Phosphamidon 100 EC @ 1.5 ml/L of water. 

    iii.            Application of Dursban 20 EC @ 1 L/ha. 

     iv.            Application of Marshal 20 EC @ 1.2 L/ha. 

       v.            Application of Diazinon 60 EC @ 1 L/ha. 

     vi.            Application of Sumithion 50 EC @ 404 ml/acre of land.

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