Pest characters, Nature of Damage and Control Measure of Green leaf hopper

B.Sc.Ag. (Hons) Part-IV    

Green leaf hopper.

Green leaf hopper 

Scientific Name: Nephotettix virescence

Family: Cicadellidae. 

Order: Hemiptera.

Pest characters 

1.      Both nymph and adult are harmful. 

2.      Mouth parts → piercing sucking type. 

3.      Green in colour. 

Nature of Damage

1.  Eggs are laid in rows on the midrib of the leaf sheath. 

2.  After 3­6 days the eggs are hatched, both nymph and adults are harmful and they can damage by 2 types

Direct damage 

1.  Both nymph and adults suck the cell sap from leaves of plant.  

2. Due to sucking cell sap, the plant conducting tissues become collapsed and as a result plant materials cannot move upward.  

3. Then the infested plants become yellow and loss vitality and vigour due to lack of photosynthesis.  

4. Finally burning symptoms appears in patches in the infested field which is known as "hopper burn".  

5. They can do damage by lacerating the plant tissues with ovipositor which facilities microbial infection. 

Indirect damage 

1.  GLH cause Tungro disease and yellow dwarf disease by carrying tungro virus and yellow dwarf virus respectively.  

2. Photosynthesis reduction occur this insect secrets honey dew on plants which later help for production of sooty mould fungus grows. Finally yield reduction occurs severely.

Control Measures 

A) Non­chemical 

1.  Removing excess water from field. 

2.  Use of excess nitrogenous fertilizer should be avoided. 

3.  Optimum plant densities should be maintained. 

4.  Crop rotation should be followed. 

5.  Cultivation of insect resistant varieties such as BR 1, BR 2, BR 3, BR 10 and BR 26. 

6.  Destruction of ratoon crops. 

7.  Using light trap for controlling adults. 

8.  Trichoparammatic parasitoids Paracenhotio andio can be used. 

9.  Preservation of damselfly and spider Chicosa pxudoamdata. 

B) Chemical 

1.  Application of Malathion/ Maladan/ Zithiol 57 EC @ 404 ml/ acre of land. 

2.  Application of Sumithion/ Edfan 50 EC @ 404 ml/ acre of land. 

3.  Using granular insecticides. e.g. Basudin 10G, Furadan 3G @ 16.5 kg/ha. 

4.  Application of Metasistox @ 1.5 L/ ha. 

5.  Application of Tapgor or Racion @ 1­2 L/ ha.

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  1. Brown leaf hoppepr and green leaf hopper both transmitted tungr virus


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