Buttoning of Cauliflower

B.Sc.Ag. (Hons) Part-III  

Buttoning  of  Cauliflower. https://cststudy.blogspot.com/

Buttoning  of  Cauliflower

Ans : Sometime it is observed that cauliflower plant after forming a few numbers of small leaves produced  very small size curd. This condition is called buttoning of cauliflower. There is no ideal size of button card  but in European countries below 9 cm sized curd is recommended as button.

Causes of buttoning 

1. Transplanting of aged seedling leads to buttoning. Seedling that is large and aged with thickened stem  and sessile leaves are already in generative stage and buttoning occurs soon after Transplanting.

2. If the growth of plant is hampered due to lack of moisture and nutrients (specially N) in the soil, then  buttoning occur.

3. Late planting of early variety will cause buttoning.  Early planting of late variety will cause buttoning.

4. Root injury also caused buttoning.

Remedies of buttoning

1. Sometime, the colour of curd become yellow due to scorching sunlight and the curd become inferior in  quality.

2. The curd should be covered by leaf.

3. Sometime excessive growth of pedicel and peduncle that gives a fully valvety appearance of cauliflower.  Finally, it produces poor seed stalk. It causes due to lack of optimum temperature during reproduction  stage.

4. Sometimes, bracts grows out of the curd and the curd become inferior in quality and reduce market  demand. It is causes due to high temperature.

5. Sometimes, cauliflower plant produce strap like leaves and in serve cases only develop the mid rib,  resulting unmarketable curd. It is causes due to deficiency of Mo.

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