Classification of seed with examples

Classification of seed with examples.

Seed may be classified into various ways. The classification of seed are given below-

1. According to the number of cotyledon:

a.      Monocotyledonous seed: These seeds contain only one cotyledon as in cereal grasses and other plants belonging to farm. E.g. seed of rice, wheat, maize, palm, orchid etc.
b.      Dicotyledonous seed: These seeds contain two cotyledons. E.g. pulse, mango, potato etc.
c.       Polycotyledonous seed: Seeds contain more than two cotyledon. E.g. pine, polyalthia etc.

2. According to the storage of food materials:

a.      Exalbuminous or non-endospermic: When the food is stored up outside the cotyledon or cotyledon as in the pea, the gram and other plants of farm.
b.      Albuminous or endospermic: When the food is stored up outside the cotyledon in a separate tissue known as the endosperm as in the wheat, apple.

3. According to the mode of germination:
a.      Hypogeal germination seed: The cotyledon or cotyledons remain inside the seed coat and never appear above the soil. E.g. Pea, paddy, maize, gram etc.
b.      Epigeal germination seed: The cotyledon or cotyledons remain inside the seed coat but appear above the soil. E.g. Bean gourd, castor oil seed etc.

4. According to the number of embryo:
a.      Mono-embryonic seed: Seed contain only one embryo. E.g. Rice, wheat, jute etc.
b.      Poly-embryonic seed: Seed contain more than one embryo. E.g. Mango and all citraceae.

5. On the basis of structure:
a.      Weight protected seed: E.g. Tomato and some grass seed.
b.      Structure protected seed: E.g. Rice.
c.       Loose field seed: E.g. cotton, sunflower seeds etc.
d.      Naked fruit seed: E.g. Rice, wheat, maize etc.
e.      Naked seed: E.g. Sorghum, soyabean, cow-pea, nuts etc.

6. On the basis of use:
a.      Agricultural seeds: e.g- sugarcane sett, potato tuber etc.
b.      Botanical seeds: e.g- rice, wheat, maize etc.
